Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blog Post 5 Part Two

I have learned a lot about PLN's since the first part of Blog Five! I have been getting a lot familiar with mySymbaloo page! I never thought in a million years that I would be using my account outside of school purposes! I have learned a incredibility amount of useful information that I will share with my family and friends! I learned that just by using different learning networks teachers are still able to connect with people from different parts of the world! I would definitely incorporate Symbaloo in my future classroom!

C4T Final Post

I chose to comment on Ken Halla's Blog I love his blog page! I have found some very useful and interesting information that is would love to use in my future classroom!If there are any history majors please visit his page!

1st Comment:
If you are a middle school teacher (two of my own children are seventh graders) you know that John Green is one of the most prolific early teenager authors.  But he also has a prolific flipped video series with his brother, that are extremely well produced and packed with lots of facts.  If anything, they have too many and move a bit too quickly.   But here are forty-eight US history videos that are either a good intro (think about the main points that I blogged about a few days ago) or a review.  

My Response:Hi, my name is Brittney Henderson I am a student at the University of South Alabama, I'm currently studying to be a history teacher! I really enjoyed watching your video! Students would most definitely be engaged while viewing this video. Also they would learn a lot of important facts about the Native Americans and Spanish! I will definitely being visiting your blog for ideas on my future classroom!

2nd Comment:Admittedly one needs to know a lot more than just vocabulary in economics, but it is certainly a place to start.  So one thing you can do is to have your students use Quizlet to see if they know all of their vocabulary.   Quizlet allows students to use traditional flash cards as well as a number of learning games.  You can even set it up for your class and each student can compete against one another.   Above is an example of the Age of Jackson.  You can choose to make the cards yourself, have your students do so or even just use someone else's as I have done here.  But if you go with the last choice, make sure you like each card.  Alternatively, if you set up an account, you could make a copy of someone else's cards and then make them exactly the way you want them.  

2nd Response:Hello Ken, I love your blog page! I'm learning a lot of useful activities that I that use in my future classroom! I have used Quizlet before and I found it very useful!Using these flash cards will help the students learn the lessons more effectively!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

C4K Final Project 6

Luke's Blog

Luke's Blog post:For my linoleum block project i made an L because that is the first letter in my name. when you do a linoleum block project the steps you take to make one is...... First draw out a sketch of what you want. Then you scribble on the back of your sketch with pencil led. Then redraw the same thing, but this time you need to press really really hard. then you will cut out every part except for the parts that you drew. Lastly you put paint on a roller and paint it. Then you print!

My response:Hey Luke! My name is Brittney Henderson I attend the University of South Alabama! I am currently studying to be a high school history! I was assigned to read our blog post by one of my professor! Luke you have a awesome blog! I really like your linoleum design. Is this your first time making this design? Luke your blog looks great and I hope to see more of your blog posts!

Keaton's Blog Post: Response 1st quarter
      The 1st quarter was full of learning and fun. There was so much that I learned that it stupefied  me. But waking up early in the morning made me slothful . It took an exertion of energy to get up and moving. After I get the urge to get to school Its time two learn.  I feel like a dirge. But once  school starts I am very tranquil. During this quarter I learned about friends and other things like fractions, adjectives, and cells. These are some reasons I loved the 1st quarter and cant weight for the second and all the knowledge it will bring.

My Response:
Hi Keaton! My name is Brittney Henderson, I attend the University of South Alabama! I’m currently studying to become a history teacher! I have to say Keaton you have a awesome blog! I enjoyed reading this blog post! You have a great outlook on your education! It shows through your writing! I love how you incorporated the use your vocabulary words throughout your blog! Do you have different words you learn each month or week? I hope to read more of your blogs soon!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blog Post 13

Create an assignment for a Blog Post I should have created in your area of specialty (math,
history, elementary ed, special ed, whatever). Write the instructions that I should have put here.

Currently I am studying to became a high school/ middle school social science teacher. I plan to incorporate a lot of Project Based Learning activities with my students. After observing a 10th grade social studies class at Blount High School I noticed the majority of the students where not engaged. I plan on incorporate a lot of modern-day social media themes into my lessons. For example, twitter, Facebook, instragram,etc. Students will NOT be able go the these social networks but, I will incorporate there themes into my lessons. For example, I have located an activity where the students will the responsibility of picking a person who has made a sufficient impact on U.S. history. The students will make a poster displaying the individual they chose. The student will then list some important facts about the person. The students can use some of the appropriate social network lingo such as:TBT( throwback Thursday), HCM( History Crush Monday), LOL( Laugh Out Loud) etc!
Here is an example of the activity InstraHistory

Project 12 SmartBoard Part B

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Project 10

C4T #3

Post one

My first blog post  I commented on was about persistence. The blog post was from a educator named Bill Genereux. His central message was about teaching students to never give up on a idea of anything that they believe in. He shared that he had rejections and obstacles he had to overcome in his career.

My reply:
  Hello Bill!
My name is Brittney Henderson, I attend the University of South Alabama! I am currently studying to become a secondary social science teacher. I enjoyed reading your blog post! I really understand the message you conveyed about persistence! You have sent the message on this blog post to persevere though obstacles. Even of the answer is no! Your message reminds me of Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture,” about what to do when you hit a brick wall.I also agree that students must learn to be persistence, and no is not the final answer if its something you believe in.
Here is a link to my blog page
Brittney’s blog

Post consisted on a 2- hour Stars Wars video he and his media students created! I really enjoyed the movie! I recommend you watch it. Very creative!

My reply:
Hi Bill! This is Brittney Henderson from the University of South Alabama! I have to admit I am not a big Star Wars fan but, I really enjoyed this video! You and your students did a awesome job with the animations of this video! I love how to use different surroundings to reenact the same parts of the video! Your son eating the rib is adorable!!!

Blog Post 12

Blog Post 12

iPad Usage for the Blind"

I have chosen to research, “iPad usage for the blind.” Apple has made tremendous stride with making sure the visually impaired and blind have access to using the iPad device. After, viewing the video, “iPad usage for the blind”, I have learned a lot about how exactly a blind person effectively navigates a iPad. Wesly Marjeus is the Access Specialist for the National Federation for the Blind. Marjeus teaches about the different devices that Apple has installed in their devices for the blind. Marjeus explains a unique service called VoiceOver. VoiceOver basically reads everything that is on the screen of the iPad.VoiceOver not only reads what’s on the screen but, also reads books to the user as well. VoiceOver helps the user to effectively navigate the iPad.
Hand gestures are just as important as the VoiceOver service. Hand gestures can be given as a demand over the VoiceOver service. Hand gestures are used to move or remove certain icons,apps, etc.

Andreas Head shares some basic information about the services that Apple has for the visually impaired. For instance, Refreshable Braille Display is a electronic device that enables the user to write or text while using the iPad. The buttons on the device are Braille and, the device can act as a mouse while connected to the device. Another cool feature is called Bluetooth Keys. The Bluetooth keys connects with the iPad and controls the VoiceOver service as well. The user should be knowledgeable of locating certain important keys to effectively navigate the device. There are a number of assistive technologies that are available for educators to use inside of the classroom. These are just a few to name a lot. Technology is making a powerful stance to all rims of it’s users.

Alex Grow Contribution To Siri, With Love is an interesting blog post. It tells a story of a 13 year old boy with autism that asks Siri questions about everyday life and his personal interests. What a cool way to use technology. It got me thinking about the different ways Siri could be used in the classroom. blog has a lot of great ideas on it. It mentions IPEVO Whiteboard or the Belking Stage app. These two things can help during science class to capture and annotate what the students capture under a microscope. It also mentions Boogie Board. This is a small board the size of an iphone that would be good for taking notes during class or answering questions like we used to do on smart boards. Adobe Presenter is a great tool to use in classroom. This is a great thing to use when you want to include text and pictures in a presentation or quiz during class. This could also be used when doing PBL. One of my favorite things that I found on this blog is the Belkin Tablet Stage. This is a tool that turns your ordinary ipad into a document, camera, and presentation system. This is a great way to get your monies worth out of an Ipad purchased for your classroom. Speaking of Ipad, they are mentioned everywhere on this blog. Ipad is a really neat tool to use when teching. It lets the students independently do work and play learning games on the apps that adhere to the lesson being taught. Great source!
This was a really cool read. Not only does it give you different technology you can use in the classroom, it also gives you different ways you can use it and how it helps the children. Powerpoint is a very common tool. In the post it mentions ways you can use Powerpoint as a game show review. I think that would be a really cool thing to use powerpoint for. It also mentions blogs and twitter as being a good source of technology in the classroom. Blogs can be used instead of diaries. Blogs are also helpful to see how well the students have progressed overtime. Twitter can be used as a discussion or for a summary of material. Creating a class webpage is a tool that can also be used in the classroom. It also mentions that students can create a film on a computer. This is a great way to implememnt PBL. Doing this and having the kids present the films, are a good way to use 

Shayla McCovery's Contribution

,Teaching a Mom What Her Deaf/Blind Child is learning on the iPad is video of a teacher giving instruction to a parent on how to work an Ipad if they were deaf or blind. The teacher says, the parent should place his/her hand across the icon and each one she would click, a voice over will say the icon’s names out loud. The parent would also have to use four fingers and turn it like a knob to be able to turn it into typing mode. Standard typing is when you are moving your fingers across the screen and the voice over says the letters out loud. Once you double tap, it will appear on the note pad. Most people prefer the touch typing mode. You are still in typing mode, where you move your fingers across the screen and voice over reads out the letters to you. Instead of double tapping a letter, you should hold the letter down and lift your finger, the letter will appear on the note pad. 
The alternative source she looked up was: NCLD, Assistive technology can help students with many different learning disabilities. The assistive technology can help them become more independent through school and throughout life. Technology has apps to help students with Dysgraphia and Writing skills. For example, the video I watched was able to explain everything out loud. This app can make the writing process a little bit easier and fun. Another assistive piece of technology would be a keyboard with built in accessibility on standard computer. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post 11

Back to the Future
Mr. Crosby video is very informational. He is a very active and creative teacher with us students. Project Based Learning lessons is also used through out the video. At the beginning of the video some of the students were not knowledgeable on the city, state or, country that they lived in. Which is very disturbing information to see. After, introducing a newer hands-on approach with the students Mr. Crosby received a more positive feedback from his sixth grade students. Each student had access to a personal computer, which allowed them to blog on their classroom blog. The students were able to participate in classroom experiments and share what they had learned with different students from a different country. The best part of the video is when Celeste the student with leukemia was involved with the classroom;even though, she was not physically in the classroom! Mr.Crosby message is for teachers change the method just being taught. Students have to become more involved in their education!

 Blended Learning
Paul Anderson introduces the idea of Blended Learning. Which involves students using mobile, online and classroom learning. Mr. Anderson also uses the method of QUIVERS. In which the students will develop questions, investigate , video ,elaborate and, review.  Students will basically, be responsible for understanding the material being taught while, working with their classmates. At the end of the lesson the teacher will ask them some review questions before they can take start their summary on the lesson. A exam will also be administrated to the students at the end of the lesson as well. Mr Anderson incorporates blended learning as well as traditional methods in his classroom!

Builing Comics
Sam Payne is a fifth grade teacher from Omaha, Nebraska.In this video he teaches his students the importance of digital safety. Mr. Payne instructs his students on the importance of being safe and, not giving away personal information while using the internet. Mr. Payne assigns his students to build a superhero based on being cautious when using the internet. Not only is Mr. Payne teaching the importance of safety being used on the internet but, he is also meetings his lesson standards as well!.At the end of the activity the students will take a glance at their classmates superheros! The students then can create more ideas to add to their comic strip but reviewing their peers work!

Project Based Learning
In this video two educators took the role to merge history and English together in one classroom. The students will have more time to focus on the material and content being studied. Students had more time to expand their thinking and idea to their assignments. This method of teaching helps both the students to collaborate effectively together as well as with the educators

Roosevelt Elementary PBL
This video starts off by sharing the definition and the importance of PBL. Students are learning to work with their classmates collaboratively to solve real life problems. The students are taught at a very early age about public speaking as well as other 21 century skills. The students are learning to collectively and individually. PBL sparks the students hunger to want to learn. Students are not just sitting down in a chair all day. PBL creates a spark for in the students to ask questions and explore their answers

Project 14

Project 14 consists of my group members creating a PBL for special education. This lesson plan will focus on teaching special education students on how to count money! The lesson plan will take up one school week in which students will participate in various of learning activities.  First, students will be introduced to the values of money.Students will be introduced to a fun song called Money Song. On days two and three students will  be working on different worksheets.Also, we will be allowing them to play fun money counting games on their iPad! Online Games Worksheets On the fourth day students will be playing a fun grocery shopping game! This game we found online is great for special education students! Game On the last day the entire class will divided into groups of four. Each group will be given a total of 20 dollars. The different teams will agree on different items that they chose to spend their money on. The students will earn money by having good behaviors. This lesson not only teaches the skill of counting money,but also being rewarded for good behaviors.  The lesson plan will be modified to accommodate students with different IEPs.

Project Overview

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Project 6: C4K for October

Sarah's Blog Sarah's response: think kids should lose recess for bad behavior because kids need to learn if they are goofing around they are not going to get away with it. If there isn’t a punishment kids wont stop what there doing and wont learn there leson. Plus the kids who are missing recess have been given warnings so its not like you do one thing wrong and they miss recess.

 My response:Hi Sarah!!! My name is Brittney Henderson and I attend the University of South Alabama!!! I am currently studying to become a high school history teacher! I was assigned to read your blog post by one on my professors! Sarah I really enjoyed reading this post! You are 100 percent correct about students who have bad behaviors should lose recess. To take away a enjoyable activity due to bad behavior is very understandable! You are a very intelligent young person to acknowledge that there are consequences for bad behavior. I really enjoyed reading your post Sarah!

  Daisy's Blog Daisy's Post:Can anyone guess who this is ? We’ll this blog will tell you about the top ten hardest men in the world

My Response:
Hey Daisy, my name is Brittney Henderson. I attend the University of South Alabama! I was assigned to read your blog! Daisy this is a excellent blog post! I really enjoyed reading all of the people you wrote about! They are all tough in their own ways! My favorite person would have to be Leonid Rogozov! He is pretty tough to remove his own appendix! Ouch! Which person is your favorite one to read about? Keep up the good work Hannah!

Simon's Blog:

Simon Blog Post:why we got capitals

 WALT: Write an explanation telling people what capital letters are and when you use them in writing.

My Response:Hi Simon!
My name is Brittney Henderson, I attend the University of South Alabama to become a high school history teacher! I really enjoyed reading your blog post about using capital letters! Simon, you are a very smart student! I love your rubric also! You have a great knowledge of when to use capital letters! Did you complete your rubric yourself? You did an awesome job Simon!!!!! I really enjoyed reading your blog post.

Smart board Project 12 Part A

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Implications and Teaching Opportunities for Camera Use in Teaching and Learning.

Part A

Smartphones have made a major stamp on different cultures worldwide. Smartphones can not only connect different individuals from different states but, also different countries as well. If not for the use of smartphones, we would not have access to some of the events that take place when the news media is not around capture what's going on in the moment. Smartphones will;eventually, surpass the use of laptops and desktop computers. Majority of today's youth has access to a smartphone or some kind of smart device. Not so long ago smartphones where banned from being used inside of the classroom. Some educators feared that students would cheat or, use their smartphones for inappropriate use.

Now since a vast majority of today's youth has access to a smartphone the roles of using the devices in the classroom are starting to change. After viewing the statistics on the eMarketer,educators are starting to implement ways students can properly use their smart devices in the classrooms. Some students may not have access to a computer at home but, may obtain a smartphone. Which will not count them out from participating in activities that may require some sort of internet connection. Students will have access to different search engines on their devices as well as blogging or, interacting with students worldwide!

Part B

I would allow my students to use their smart devices in my classroom;only for educational purposes of course. I am studying to became a history teacher I would allow my students to Skype with different  students throughout different states and countries. For different projects I would allow my students to use the different search engines I learned about from this class to research information! Students can make video presentations from lessons being taught in the classrooms! Most importantly students can create their own blog from the class! Using smartphones in the classrooms will be very much beneficial for the students as well as the teachers!

Blog Post 8

WOW!!! Is the only word I described about Randy Pausch Last Lecture! Dr. Randy Pausch was a great and intelligent professor! I enjoyed every aspect of his lecture. I truly believe this is the best video I have seen! I have learned a lot life's key elements! I believe this video really up lifted my sense of urgency in life. I for one have experienced a lot of brick walls in my life. Some of those walls I even built for myself. Meaning sometimes we make things harder for yourselves than they really are. Dr. Pausch informed his audience on what to do when you may encounter these walls. Keep Going!!!! Dr. Pausch has taught me from this lecture is to be a good person and, good karma will always follow!! To find the good in people; even if they make you mad. He has taught me from this lecture to always work hard at your dreams and, that is the key to achieving happiness in life. The most important lesson to be learned is to be positive. He spirit expelled happiness.!!! Even in the modest of facing death he was still happy! This lecture will forever live in my heart and, I will share his lecture with family, friends. Most importantly I will share his lecture with my future
students! To always encourage them to live a life of honesty, and perseverance. Somethings in life will not go your way all the time but, persevere through the obstacle. Take criticism honorable;because when people don't criticize you there is a problem. Those are not just classroom lessons,but life lessons!

Last Lecture Quote

C4T #2

My C4T consisted of the same teacher from my previous C4T #1. Mrs. Hadley is a middle school history teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. The name of her blog is called Middle School Matrix.
The two blog posts I commented on where previous blog posts she made. The blog post is called What Will I Say About Ferguson. Mrs. Hadley shared her approach on how she is going to tackle the events on what happened in Ferguson, Missouri in her classroom. Mrs. Hadley's main goal is to make sure her students feel safe and, that they have a stable environment from all protesting and media in the streets. I commented to Mrs. Hadley on how brave and caring she is as a teacher. Sometimes we often forget on how events such as what happened in Ferguson, Missouri can happen in our own communities. As future educators what measures will we take to keep our students safe from harm's way?

My second comment is from a blog post entitled August Thinking. Mrs. Hadley explains how nervous she still gets when the beginning of the school years approaches! I commented to her that it is amazing that  know matter how long a educator teaches it is still possible for them to be a little anxious! I really enjoyed reading this particular blog post ;because, it's comforting to read about a educator expressing there emotions with the start of a new school year! 

Project 9

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Project 13

Students will compare and contrast the key elements based on the works of,"Hamlet and "The Lion King!"
Students will also have the opportunity to recreate the similarities of both elements using modern technology!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Project 6 C4K Summary

#1 post: Eric from New Zealand, shared how to make Spaghetti Bologense! This dish looks very tasty! Eric shared step by step instructions on how to make this spaghetti meal, as well as the indigents needed!

Comment: I commended Eric on his very tasty looking meal! I also asked him if this was his favorite meal! If not what exactly is his favorite dish to prepare! Eric has a very colorful and well organized blog page!

#2 post: Jamaya from Madame High School in  Virginia shared there is a research assignment that is due by the end of the school year. She did not have a good topic to research!

Comment: I asked Jamaya what are somethings that may interest her in school. Research papers does
n't  always have to be boring. As long as you find a good topic that really interests, you I will forget the research paper is actually a assignment!

#3 post: Chance from Iowa  High School wrote about somethings he would change about his school. For instance, he mentioned he would change the time he goes to lunch. Also, what choices that the students have to pick a lunch to  eat. Chance likes pizza  and ranch dipping sauce. He also mentions he would like to sit by his friends at lunch.

Comment: I agreed with the changes he waited to make. We both agreed pizza is one of our favorite foods. I also give him some advice about talking to the person he is assigned to sit next to at lunch time! Maybe they can become new friends!

Project 8 Book Trailer

Post #6

I really enjoyed watching all of Anthony Capps and Dr. Strange videos! This assignment has really given me a insight on the amount of hard work and dedication that goes behind being a "quality educator." I to am one of the students  who only wanted to teach because I love kids. The video I mostly enjoyed watching is The Anthony- Strange Tips for Teachers Part 1 . Dr. Strange mentioned that you have to be a learner and be interested in learning about yourself. What I gained just by that statement is that you must always be willing to learn! I will be the first to admit that I had the whole teaching notion wrong. In order to be a effective quality educator you must to willing to go beyond what the requirements are for your students. Sometimes you may have to put in extra hours after school, just to ensure that you are engaging your students in the educational process.
 The most important factor I took from viewing these videos is to love to put in the hard work. Allow yourself to have fun researching information for your students to learn in the classroom! After the previous blog post assignment about learning what in PBL. I feel after viewing both Project Based Learning Part 1 I feel I have a more definite understanding Project Based Learning is. Mr.Capps strongly exercises Project Based Learning with his students. I also loved the activities that he created with his students that involved PBL. For example, Mr.Capps instructed his students to write a letter to Congressmen Jo Bonner about women serving in military combat. Not only were the students engaged in the project but, the project covered reading standards, writing standards, and social studies content. Most importantly the students loved the project! I'm currently studying to be a middle school social studies teachers so, I found the video about iCurio to be very resourceful to me. Students will have the opportunity to operate a appropriate search engine to research information for papers and projects and, to create a folder to organize their work! I really gained a lot of insight on Project Based Learning from Mr.Capps and Dr. Strange!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Post 5

Much like my classmates I was completely clueless to what exactly PLN meant. After reading and viewing videos I have a pretty descendant insight on,"Personal Learning Networks." Personal Learning Networks consist of people or learning tools to assist you on your learning journey! Basically, the Personal Learning Network is a learning community! The coolest characteristic is that you may interact with individuals WORLDWIDE!!!!! After reading,Developing A Personal Learning Network I really gained a lot of helpful information on PLN. Dr. Strange tells what are the characteristics of PLN's and very helpful resources.
  I chose symbaloo as my PLN source. Symbaloo not only connects you too educational sources but, also entertainment resources as well! I have added EDM 310 blog to my account!!! I am also going to add my teacher from my C4T Mrs Hadley's blog! Now that I have a clearer more detailed explanation on what PLN really mean, I'm ready to connect with people WORLDWIDE to start my learning journey!
Project Based Learning 

Sunday, September 14, 2014


    I was assigned to Mrs. Hadley of Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. Mrs. Hadley is a middle school history teacher who actively participates with her middle school students. The name of Mrs. Hadley blog is called," Middle School Matrix". Every week Mrs. Hadley writes a blog post on what activities she and her students participated in and, she also provides the feedback from her students during their weekly activities. The first blog post I commented is called,Brains Working here. Basically, Mrs.Hadley instructed her students to find a quiet place in the classroom. Then she gave her students 4 minutes to think about other assignment. By isolating the students in their own thoughts; this give them time to reflect to themselves on their answers without being distracted. I believe this is a very effective exercise, because sometimes doing group discussions students can get distracted or influenced b their peers. This exercise gives the student s time to fully think about their assignment and responses.

  Mrs. Hadley blog post I commented on is called,Starting Students with Superpowers> The students were given post -it stickers to wrote down what they were afraid of this school year. Then, the students were to write down what superpowers they wanted this school year. Some students responses where being a good speller; completing homework in a sec; super stamina and understanding. I really liked this exercise as well. I believe in this activity the teacher learns a little more about her students. Mrs. Hadley loves to engage with her students. I have the pleasure reading her interactions with her students through her blog posts!!!!!!!!!! 


Project 15 Search Engines


  •    WolframaAlpha - Is a search engine that provides world facts and calculates data.
Evaluation: Great for people who love math and science!!!!!! Also can be a resource for people who struggle in math and science as well.

  • Sweet Search- Is great for students  need information about biographies or any social studies content. This search engine is ideal for students that may have history assignments or to the person that loves to read biographies.
     Evaluation : This search engine will reduce a lot of time in the library.This search engine is helpful when researching a person biography. Mostly helpful in social studies.

  • Infotopia - Can be used by all grades and subjects. This search engine is a alternative for Google. Not only will students have the option to explore different subject, they can also search images and sounds on Infotopia.
    Evaluation: Infotopia is perfect for people of all ages. This search engine covers all areas taught in school. I would use this for pleasure as well as educational.

  • AOL- Delivers information from current events, checking emails, entertainment, weather, global information and  so forth.
Evaluation: Most reliable for current events happening.

  • Indeed- Helps people find employment and, also can upload resumes
Evaluation: Very current with job openings in different cities and states. Helpful when looking for new employment.

  • Yahoo:Yahoo allows you to cover any information you may be searching for. Yahoo provides past and current information to the user. 
Evaluation: Yahoo is my personal favorite search engine. Everything is available  on this site from stocks to medical questions that you may have.

  • Web Md- Provides medical answers and remedies to individuals. This medical search engine also provides"pill identification", diets,and symptom checker to help individuals with. 
Evaluation: Helpful for any health questions, and also a healthy life style tips.

  • Bing- Connects people through social networks. Is a social network search engine that provides the latest news, weather, entertainment.

  • Evaluation: Great for reconnecting with relatives,classmates and friends!!!!!!!!

Blog Post 4

                                                     Asking Effective Questions

I believe asking questions is just as important as receiving answers. Educators should encourage students to ask questions at all times in the classrooms. We live in a society where asking questions may somewhat be frowned upon. Some people may assume that they know all the answers, simply because no one wants to be looked at as being dumb. As a future educator I want my students to realize that it's perfectly normal to asks questions, and most importantly it's normal for teachers to ask questions as well. Teaching students how to ask questions is very important as well. After reading,The Right Way to Answer Questions in the Classroom I fully understand and, can personally relate to some students feeling intimidated by their peers when they don't want to be called on when the teacher asks them a question. Students should feel comfortable when the teacher calls on them to answer a question. Even if the student calls out the wrong answer the teacher should still give the student positive feedback for trying. This will then make the student more comfortable with raising their hand when they have a question,or simply when the teacher calls on them.

  All students should be given the opportunity to ask and answer questions. I would love for all my students to have confidence in my classroom!!! I believe it's very important for students to have high self-esteem in the classroom.I  have gained a lot of helpful information in the video,Questioning Styles and Strategies. The students were all comfortable answering the instructor's  questions, sharing their thoughts and ideas about the reading and actively participating in the class discussion. The instructor displayed positive feedback to the students responses as well and, he allowed one student to choose a classmate to participate in the next activity. Here are a few pointers I learned about asking questions to be a effective teacher:
Encourage Students to Asks Questions 
  • Asks students open ended questions (to motivate them to answer the question more effectively) 
  • Value Feedback
  • Randomly call on students (not just the same students)
  • Realize questions are just as valuable as their answers


    Sunday, September 7, 2014

    Blog Post 3

    What is Peer Editing:
         I found information from the videos and slide presentations to be very informative. I learned a of very helpful information about editing my peers work. Sometimes students, and classmates may forget to be positive when commenting and critiquing others work. I feel being positive and keeping a positive energy is the key to editing others work without offending their writing. The wonderful presentation is also very informative when editing our peers work. When we are editing our peers writing the slide suggest that we should apply the three rules for critiquing which are: Compilations, Suggests, Corrections.
        I remember when I was in high school, the teacher would tell us to exchange papers with other students. Sometimes the feedback would be a little harsh. Its great to be honest, but in a polite way. The feedback from the students would sometimes leave us discouraged from completing the assignment. I believe we all have experienced one of the ten different students in the video! Working with others is suppose to be a fun and learning experience. I have learned to always be polite and respectable when I am editing students, or my peers work.
    peer editing

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    Blog Post 2

    Mr. Dancealot-

    I really enjoyed watching this video, Mr. Dancealot used modern technology too teach a course made for dancing. His students seem too be confused on his teaching method. I believe the central message for this video is that technology is being integrated though all areas of classes and courses. Although, technology has its many perks, but when teaching a dance course, Mr. Dancelot may would have a better response from his students if he actually "danced". By the conclusion of the video, the students were very confused on their final exam. I really wasn't surprise by their reaction at all. They probably were looking for more of a formal exam;instead, they were given a actual dance with a partner exam. Given how the beginning of the class was instructed, Mr. Dancealot should have leaned toward more of a written exam.

    Teaching in the 21st Century-
    I-  Robert may think that teaching in the 21st century means that students need too know not only answers, but how too find the answers too their questions. Also, how too effectively look for their answers the correct way. 
    II. Robert feels that with technology in classrooms,students should initiate their minds too think of all possible questions and answers. Using technology should drive you too exhaust all possible answers too your educational journey.
    III. As technology in the classrooms rapidly increases students will/do have a lot of information in their possession. I think as a future educator my job will be to teach how too locate the correct and factual information.

    The Networked Student-
    I found this video too be very familiar, especially in the college setting. The network learner basically gathers his/her information though websites,audio,blogs,and the teacher. The student will still need the assistance of the teacher because the teacher provides knowledge of the student approaches a problem. The network learner will need assistance from the teacher with approaching correct information,and also for guidance through the progress of his/her studies.

    Digital Smarts-
    In the Digital Smarts video Ms. Davis uses technology to educate and connect her students to different parts of the world. Ms.Davis uses computers, cell phones, twitter, etc too farther their educational journey. I love Ms. Davis's teaching method. I believe that her teaching methods excites her students too learn from a different learning environment. The students where not only excited about learning too operate the aviators, but they where connecting with students from different parts of the country. 

    Who's Ahead in The Learning Race-
    Its amazing seeing little children in elementary school operating Mac notebooks! I was truly amazed that children as young as kindergartners were operating notebooks correctly and effectively. The way technology is rapidly advancing I believe every school will have access too notebooks in every grade. By watching the video the elementary students are definitely ahead in the learning race!!!!!!!!!

    Flipping the Classroom-
    Flipping the classrooms is a very interesting method of teaching. Students will have the opportunity too get a head start on the material that will be taught in the classrooms. I believe that this method will be very helpful too the students as well as teachers. Students will be more engaged in class discussions on their lesson material.

    Bring The Locker Room To The Classroom
    I can really relate too this article very well. Sometimes we  are so engaged in
    listening too the material the teacher is giving and burping back the information. This article teaches us too use a team approach. Outside of the educational environment we are going too have learn too be a team player. 
    Modern Technology

    Sunday, August 24, 2014

    Post 1

    What About EDM310?

       I have heard a number of rumors about EDM 310. Some good and of course most bad. Most education majors have mentioned this class is very demanding,and you will have to have great time management skills. My own personal experience with EDM 310 is you do have to have excellent time management skills. This will my third time taking EDM 310 due to personal family issues from previous semesters. I'm very excited about taking this course, and completing it this semester with an "A"!!!!  I can't really think of any fears I may have with EDM 310. The only suggestions I have too over come this class is too dedicate 9 hours for this course and  say a lot of prayers. EDM 310 is definitely by far not your typical college course. I say that in a good way, meaning we are actually learning new techniques with technology too make us better educators.
       The most difficult thing about EDM 310 is time management. I have a planner as well as an alarm set on my phone designed especially for EDM 310!!!! I am excited and eager to complete this semester a passing grade!!!! Third time's a charm!!!!!!!!!!!


    Saturday, August 23, 2014

    Pratice Post

    III.What Do Educators Do
    IV. My Passions

       Hello EDM 310!!!!! My name is Brittney Henderson,and I'm a senior here at the University of South Alabama. I'm 25 years old,and currently majoring in secondary education in social sciences. I live with my mom,dad,and handsome son here in Mobile,Alabama. I come from a family of eight educators,all of which are elementary teachers!!! I'm glad to say that I will be the first secondary educator in my family!!!!! The reason I want to be an educator is because I want to make a difference in the lives of today's youth. When I attended high school I remember one teacher that I absolutely loved, because she believed in me,and encouraged me to further my education. I believe educators are not only teachers but counselors as well.
       I want to be a educator that impacts students lives forever. My passions includes reading,yoga and being a mommy!!!!! I recently took a yoga class here at South and loved it!!!!! Yoga is such a huge stress reliever,so I find myself constantly practicing it. My son's name is Jalen,he's 7 years old. He is my everything and I love him too pieces!!!! I love reading autobiographies about a person's life. I find it interesting reading about different individuals lives. I am every excited too see what this semester will bring;also,the new faces I will meet!!!!!!